I have been doing some online Art Classes with Leighton House Museum, London. It was the former home and studio of the leading Victorian artist, Frederic, Lord Leighton. It grew into a ‘private … [Read more...]
“For the Love of an Elephant“ new cloisonné enamel necklace
For the Love of an Elephant cloisonné enamel necklace I made this necklace for the Cookson Gold February Design of the Month competition. The theme was Love and I immediately thought of this title … [Read more...]
Spring Hare Cloisonné Enamel
I had a commission to make a Spring Hare necklace, similar to one I have made before. Here are some pictures showing the process I went through to make it. Please feel free to message me if you have … [Read more...]
52 Earring Challenge 2018 Week 1
I am very excited to be joining in this challenge with other jewellery artists around the world. It is a wonderful opportunity to explore new designs, challenge myself with new techniques and to … [Read more...]
New ‘Memories’ Silver and Enamel Jewellery
When I first heard the theme of 'Maps' for this year's Guild of Enamellers' conference, I wasn't sure it was for me! Maps and I do not have a happy relationship. All this squiggly lines that … [Read more...]
Pets on Jewellery
I have been working on a new idea. Cufflinks for my husband with our dog Jyp on. They are cloisonne enamel on fine silver, set in hallmarked sterling silver cufflinks and they measure 14 mm in … [Read more...]
April ‘Critter of the Month’ 2015
Two new Dragonfly pendants for this month. They are both enamel on silver and hang on a leather thong. One is cloisonné enamel and the other has painted under-glaze details. Hope you like them. … [Read more...]
February ‘Critter of the Month’ 2015
Late again! Here at last is My February Critter of the Month. A silver and enamel Fish and Chip Fork. It is champleve enamel with cloisonné details on sterling silver. I made it as an … [Read more...]
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