New ‘Memories’ Silver and Enamel Jewellery

When  I first heard the theme of 'Maps' for this year's Guild of Enamellers' conference, I wasn't sure it was for me! Maps and I do not have a happy relationship. All this squiggly lines that … [Read more...]

Jyp’s Jewels – Ladybird Magic Carpet Pendant

Introducing Jyp the dog, my faithful Workshop Apprentice and Chief Watch Dog. This year, following on from my occasional Blog Post series, 'Jyp's Jewels' I have decided to make him a monthly feature. … [Read more...]

Pets on Jewellery

I have been working on a new idea. Cufflinks for my husband with our dog Jyp on. They are cloisonne enamel on fine silver, set in hallmarked sterling silver cufflinks and they measure 14 mm in … [Read more...]

April ‘Critter of the Month’ 2015

Two new Dragonfly pendants for this month. They are both enamel on silver and hang on a leather thong. One is cloisonné enamel and the other has painted under-glaze details. Hope you like them. … [Read more...]

February ‘Critter of the Month’ 2015

Late again! Here at last is My February Critter of the Month. A silver and enamel Fish and Chip Fork.   It is champleve enamel with cloisonné details on sterling silver. I made it as an … [Read more...]

Getting Started and the Design Process

This morning's blog post by Grace Marshall really resonated with me and I have to share it because it is a problem familiar to most artists and designers. I … [Read more...]

January ‘Critter of the Month’ 2015

Happy New Year! A little late I know but there has been a lot happening to keep me busy! I had some serious health problems at the end of last year which has taken some time to recover from. One thing … [Read more...]

New Ammonite ‘Fossil’ Pendants

I have been working on some new 'statement' Ammonite 'Fossil' necklaces that I would like to share with you. The enamels have been created using Sgraffitto techniques. They are all on copper and I … [Read more...]

Cloisonné Enamel – The Making of my New Magic Carpet Pendant

Cloisonné Enamel - The Making of my New Magic Carpet Pendant Cloisonné enamel is where fine wires are embedded in the enamel to create the design. There are a lot of different stages involved in … [Read more...]

Critter of the Month – December 2013

Finally, my last 'Critter of the Month' for 2013. This is a collection of Angel Candlesticks, very fitting for Christmas I thought! However, remember an Angel is not just for … [Read more...]