Staff meeting – Fri, 24 April 2020

In Attendance:

Me – Chair, Designer, Maker, Publicity, Website, Everything else

Jyp – Head of Security and Apprentice

Husband – Maintenance Officer

Son – Technical Support Officer

The meeting started at 10 am after our daily exercise

Officers’ Reports


The Chair reported that she had been continuing to work and that she was very excited about the new pieces that are in progress. She had also made another new video and this had been published on YouTube. There are also links to these on her website which feels like a huge achievement! She was grateful for the advice from the Technical Support Officer. She had been wondering whether she should be aiming to do some paid for classes online but frankly at the moment this feels like too much of a monumental challenge. Technical Support had suggested offering people the opportunity to donate for treats for the Security Officer and this is now in place. She was happy to have made any progress in any direction to be honest and is very happy that people seem to like the videos. She is also really pleased to have made contact with an old Enamelling friend from the past and together they have been sharing lots of interesting stuff concerning Enamelling. This is good. She was also very happy with the Emotional Support given by the Apprentice and asked for this to continue to be provided as necessary.

Head of Security

Jyp stated that he and the Maintenance Officer carry out a patrol of the perimeter every morning. There haven’t been any new holes since it was mended but the other day there was an incursion by a foxy faced visitor. The visitor didn’t get the opportunity to hang around because he had chased him away over the fence and only just missed having a mouthful of ginger fur! Jyp said he suspected the foxy faced visitor of carrying out undercover surveillance with a view to establishing a safe house within the boundaries. He thought this because he emerged from the orchard area where there had been rather a large hole dug. Jyp affirmed said that if he dares to come back he will definitely have him next time! To help this aim he asked if there could be a review of the kitchen door policy. The Chair reiterated there was no chance of this!


Jyp stated he had been kept very busy doing Emotional Support and Head of Security duties. He has tried his paw at filing pieces but he had found the files very tricky to hold. The Chair agreed that he had made a real effort and she would continue to look for tasks that he could undertake.

Maintenance Officer

Husband reported that he was continuing to carry out a daily inspection of the boundaries with the Head of Security. He has also ordered some new fence panels to further secure the boundaries. He will look to install these when they arrive. He also reminded the Chair that he was ready and willing to carry out any maintenance duties required as frankly he was starting to get a little bored. The Chair suggested he sow some more seeds and that he go and plant something somewhere! She also agreed that there were plenty to kitchen duties available if he found himself at a lose end.

Technical Support Officer

Son stated whilst he was happy to help he was very busy and he didn’t have a lot of time available as he had two assignments and a dissertation to write.

He also asked when lunch was and what was for dinner!

General Business

The Chair expressed a concern at the increasing amount of dog hair that is appearing on furnishings, floors and in her studio. She stated that dog hair and Enamelling didn’t go well together and asked if he could hang onto his coat in the house and make more effort to shed it in the garden! Quite frankly dog hair should be on the dog and not sticking to every thing else all over the house. Jyp apologised and said it wasn’t his fault the weather had improved and that he had no control over it. The Chair suggested he try harder or that the clippers would be utilised for a very close shave indeed.

The meeting ended. The next staff meeting is scheduled for a weeks time unless anything very important comes up before.